Test Bank for The West Encounters and Transformations, Combined Volume 5th Edition Levack
Test Bank for The West Encounters and Transformations, Combined Volume, 5th Edition, Brian Levack, Edward Muir, Meredith Veldman, ISBN-10: 0134229274, ISBN-13: 9780134229270
Table of Contents
1. The Beginnings of Civilization, 10,000–1150 B.C.E.
2. The Age of Empires: The International Bronze Age and Its Aftermath, ca. 1500–550 B.C.E.
3. Greek Civilization
4. Hellenistic Civilization
5. The Roman Republic
6. Enclosing the West: The Early Roman Empire and Its Neighbors, 31 B.C.E.–235 C.E.
7. Late Antiquity: The Age of New Boundaries, 250–600
8. Medieval Empires and Borderlands: Byzantium and Islam
9. Medieval Empires and Borderlands: The Latin West
10. Medieval Civilization: The Rise of Western Europe
11. The Medieval West in Crisis
12. The Italian Renaissance and Beyond: The Politics of Culture
13. The West and the World: The Significance of Global Encounters, 1450–1650
14. The Reformations of Religion
15. The Age of Confessional Division
16. Absolutism and State Building, 1618–1715
17. The Scientific Revolution
18. The West and the World: Empire, Trade, and War, 1650–1815
19. Eighteenth-Century Society and Culture
20. The Age of the French Revolution, 1789–1815
21. The Industrial Revolution
22. Ideological Conflict and National Unification, 1815–1871
23. The Coming of Mass Politics, 1870–1914
24. The West and the World: Cultural Crisis and the New Imperialism, 1870–1914
25. The First World War
26. Reconstruction, Reaction, and Continuing Revolution: The 1920s and 1930s
27. World War II
28. Redefining the West After World War II
29. The West in the Contemporary Era: New Encounters and Transformations